Friday 3 July 2009

Almost rumbled by a star by the stars and stripes

Thanks to TRavis, Lisa, Matt and Colin in the USA.

Our sign up process in our Android client automatically sets call forwarding to HulloMail. We tested our sign up process. Man we paid some good cash to do it on Device Anywhere. It worked.

We then asked some good friends in the USA to test they all had probs with the call forwarding. Hmmm, it works in the UK and T-Mobile USA is a GSM Network and Device Anywhere in the USA is telling us it works.

Let face it this has to be ironic? The USSD on GSM we use in the UK is **004*xxxx. Not in the USA. On T-Mobile USA is *004*xxxx.

4th of July. Boston Tea Party - did someone try to rumble us ;)

Phew... Thanks guys for all your help....

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